Healthy Relationships
Introduction to Covenant Study


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You may be wondering how this is related to the topic of marriage.  That would be an excellent question because that is the entire purpose of this study - to show how God views a Covenant.  When we marry we are in Covenant with each other (and most importantly with God). 
So, as you come to understand the significance of Covenant from God's point of view, you can begin to see the significance of our vows to our beloved. 
Song of Solomon provides a beautiful picture of a lover and his beloved.  Solomon shares the emotional and sensual aspect of God's nature.  Throughout Scripture God is pictured as the lover of our souls, as our Heavenly Father and as the Bridegroom. 
As you proceed through this study keep in mind that how God loves is how he wants us to love.   Though we are limited in our ability to exhibit His kind of love, He understands our weaknesses and in our weakness we are made strong.   How this works in us is a mystery of Grace.
May God bless you as you journey into the mind of God and His gracious and unbounding love He has for each of us.

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